databases/mongodb40 port proposal

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Sat Mar 2 08:01:51 UTC 2019

Am 02.03.2019 um 03:30 schrieb Andrew Shevchuk:
> First of all, please make sure you have the latest patch file.
> You can apply this patch using one of the following examples:

I cannot apply your patch, but I use the repository now.

Could you please execute in the port the command `portlint -ACN` and fix
the warnings you get there?

WARN: Makefile: [18]: the arguments to ONLY_FOR_ARCHS are not sorted. 
Please consider sorting them.
WARN: Makefile: possible use of absolute pathname "/usr/local/bin/ar:de...".
WARN: Makefile: possible direct use of "BUILD_DEPENDS= 
/usr/local" found. if so, use ${PREFIX} or ${LOCALBASE}, as appropriate.
WARN: Makefile: for new port, make $FreeBSD$ tag in comment section
empty, to make SVN happy.
WARN: Makefile: "USES" has to appear earlier.
0 fatal errors and 5 warnings found.

Please also update the MAINTAINER line to match you.

I currently test build the port, but this maybe takes some time.
You can find the current status here:



"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to
produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning." --
Rich Cook

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