databases/mongodb40 port proposal

Matthias Fechner idefix at
Fri Mar 1 18:29:31 UTC 2019

Dear Kevin,

Am 01.03.2019 um 05:50 schrieb Kevin Oberman:
> Most patches against ports, including this one, assume that the current
> directory is /usr/ports or whatever directory is your ports tree base
> directory. Alternatively, you can use '-s N' to ignore the first N
> directories in the path specified in the patch.

thanks for your answer.
-s is the silent option, I think you wanted to write -spN where with N
you can define a number of directories to strip, like it is explained in
the man page:

     -p strip-count, --strip strip-count
             Sets the pathname strip count, which controls how pathnames
             in the patch file are treated, in case you keep your files in a
             different directory than the person who sent out the
patch.  The
             strip count specifies how many slashes are to be stripped from

But this is not the reason, it seems that the patch has a format that
patch cannot handle or you must define some parameters I do not know.

I tried to apply the patch on the source dir of the ports directory.



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