How to handle go dependencies

Tobias Kortkamp tobik at
Sun Jun 23 09:57:47 UTC 2019

On Sun, Jun 23, 2019 at 11:47:41AM +0200, Matthias Fechner wrote:
> Am 22.06.2019 um 22:52 schrieb Dmitri Goutnik:
> > Can be further simplified by using USES=go:modules. This will remove the need 
> > to modify MAKE_ENV as will then add -mod=vendor flag automagically.
> very interesting.
> I also found a nice mechanism in devel/bingo.
> It has a very nice awk script to generate the GH_TUPLE line
> automatically (see Makefile target gomod-deps).

Please do not use it.  It is broken in many ways.  Use Dimtri's
devel/modules2tuple instead.  Change to WRKSRC of your port and run
`go mod vendor` then `modules2tuple vendor/modules.txt` and it will
spit out an appropriate GH_TUPLE etc.

> But I have now the problem that my source is hosted on gitlab, so I use
> It seems to make problem if I try to also use `USE_GITHUB`.
> I see now the following problem:
> make: "/usr/ports/Mk/" line 602: warning: duplicate script
> for target "git-clone-DEFAULT" ignored
> make: "/usr/ports/Mk/" line 466: warning: using previous
> script for "git-clone-DEFAULT" defined here
> make: "/usr/ports/Mk/" line 603: warning: duplicate script
> for target "git-clone-DEFAULT" ignored
> make: "/usr/ports/Mk/" line 466: warning: using previous
> script for "git-clone-DEFAULT" defined here
> pkg-static: /tmp/pkgs/gitaly-1.47.0.txz: No such file or directory
> pkg-static: Was 'pkg install /tmp/pkgs/gitaly-1.47.0.txz' meant?
> Can I use GITLAB too fetch the main archive and use GITHUB to fetch the
> go packages I need?

Probably you need

USE_GITHUB=	nodefault

and it should work.
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