need help with python

@lbutlr kremels at
Fri Jul 5 03:30:27 UTC 2019

On 4 Jul 2019, at 20:39, AN <andy at> wrote:
> I do not use python directly, only as dependencies.  It seems python36 is default now.  What is the correct procedure to set ports to use python36 so I can safely delete python27?

Rebuild all the ports that depend on python (and any python depends on).

You might also look at what you have that requires python. For example, I recently;y eliminated almost all the python packages by simply removing scons. It may come back if something needs scons to build in the future, but for now I have only three python 3.6 packages installed:

===>>> py36-ply-3.11
===>>> py36-setuptools-41.0.0
===>>> python36-3.6.8_2

These are required for bindutils, but I eliminated the one part of blind tools that needs put-on I wouldn’t have it at all.

Of course, your setup is different, but it is definitely worth looking at your depends.

pkg -rd python27

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