using security/openssl in a port

Eugene Grosbein eugen at
Fri Jan 5 02:33:26 UTC 2018

05.01.2018 9:11, Matthew Luckie wrote:

> I maintain a port that has a new release which requires openssl 1.0.2 to
> build.  FreeBSD 10.3 and 10.4 both have openssl 1.0.1, and 11 onwards
> have 1.0.2.  Is there a magic way to have this port depend on ports
> openssl for freebsd releases without openssl 1.0.2?  I ran
> find /usr/ports -exec grep "security/openssl" {} \; -print
> and didn't find anything that I could use as a recipe.  USES = ssl
> doesn't seem to be it either.

FreeBSD had openssl-1.0.1 in the base before import of 1.0.2d (1100085),
so use this in the port's Makefile:

.if ${OPSYS} == FreeBSD && ${OSVERSION} < 1100085
# add dependency here

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