FreeBSD Palemoon branding violation

Michelle Sullivan michelle at
Fri Feb 9 00:52:26 UTC 2018

LuKreme wrote:
> On Feb 7, 2018, at 20:06, Michelle Sullivan <michelle at> wrote:
>> Just saying telling people not to call the product the same as the trademark if there are any changes to the product is the way to protect the trademark.
> But is there a trademark? It seems not from an earlier post.
Don't know - Trademarks don't always have to be registered to be a 
Trademark... a Registered Trademark can carry the symbol and has had all 
the due diligence done so its more 'protectable' but the lack of the 
registration doesn't make it 'not a trademark' just that it's not as 
defensible for violations.


Michelle Sullivan

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