Status of portupgrade and portmaster?

abi abi at
Mon Oct 2 09:26:49 UTC 2017

02.10.2017 12:07, Carmel NY пишет:
> While it will undoubtedly work, it is still more complex than the average
> desktop user requirers.
Building from ports is already more complex thing than one could expect 
from desktop user. I don't think ports are recommended way to keep 
system updated. It you use ports, you change port options (why would you 
use them if not), so you are on narrower path - non-default options are 
not QA tested, can conflict with each other and within dependency chain, etc
> Synth fits the bill nicely by being, for the most
> part, easy to understand and run. I am already on my forth "ports maintenance"
> program having used portmanager, portmaster, portupgrade and now synth. At
> this point, I would almost rather switch to a new OS before abandoning synth
> for something that IMHO is just overkill for the average user.
You know, this is open source, right? You may  pick up ADA stack, I'm 
sure J Marino will give you some ideas how to overcome ino64 issue.

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