OpenCASCADE 6.9.1

Kurt Jaeger lists at
Sat Oct 31 10:11:49 UTC 2015


> > There's no public distfile, only available if one registers ?
> Exactly.
> I believe the license (LGPL) allow redistribution, though, so the 
> distfile could be hosted somewhere else.
> This has never been a problem in previous releases of the port.

It's a usability problem if one tries to build the port. I was not
sure whether the distfile was out of date etc.

databases/sqldeveloper/Makefile has a construct in its Makefile that
helps the user to understand where he has to go and where
he has to put the distfile:

IGNORE= due to Oracle license restrictions, you must fetch the source \
distribution manually. Please access \ \
with a web browser and follow the link for the ${DISTFILES}. You will be \
required to register and log in, but you can create an account on that \
page. After registration and accepting the Oracle License, download the \
distribution file, ${DISTFILES}, into ${DISTDIR}/${DIST_SUBDIR}/ and then \
restart this installation

Can you add something like this to the port ?

pi at            +49 171 3101372                         5 years to go !

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