WITH_OPENSSL_PORT documentation

Mathieu Arnold mat at FreeBSD.org
Tue Mar 10 16:41:25 UTC 2015

I don't think we have a timeframe, we've been doing exp-runs without
openssl in base to catch ports that behaved badly.  I think the openssl
libs will be moved to private, but I can be wrong :-)

+--On 9 mars 2015 18:10:41 +0100 Olli Hauer <ohauer at gmx.de> wrote:
|    Hi Mathieu,
|    what is the target timeframe for."soon",.e.g. for.8.x and.9.x having an
|    older openssl in base.
|    Is there wip. to hide the base ssl libs ?
|    --
|    Sent from my Android phone with GMX Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
|    Mathieu Arnold <mat at FreeBSD.org> wrote:
|      +--On 8 mars 2015 13:24:09 -0600 Adam Weinberger <adamw at adamw.org>
|      wrote:
|      | Can somebody please write something---anything, even 2
|      sentences---for
|      | the PHB about how to use WITH_OPENSSL_PORT? What users should set
|      it to
|      | to get LibreSSL for example, and what porters are supposed to put
|      in the
|      | Makefile to support it?
|      |
|      | The text at the top of bsd.openssl.mk just shows
|      | few sentences would be a big help, and I'm sure the doc people
|      would be
|      | happy to take care of all the markup and formatting for you.
|      It'll soon be a moot point, WITH_OPENSSL_PORT will be the only
|      option :-)
|      --
|      Mathieu Arnold
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Mathieu Arnold

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