drop maintainership of 6 ports

A.J. 'Fonz' van Werven freebsd at skysmurf.nl
Wed Jun 4 15:26:04 UTC 2014

Torsten Zuehlsdorff wrote:

>>3. If you can, mirror the distfile and add your site to MASTER_SITES.
> I could easily mirror the distfile. But i'm unsure where to add the entry.
> There is an entry MASTER_SITE_NETLIB in /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.sites.mk, which
> definies the url for the distfiles. But if i understand correctly, the
> MASTER_SITES listed there provide every file from Netlib, not just the
> single distfile.
> So how could i add my mirror http://ports.toco-domains.de/fdfpp.tgz to the
> port?
Just add it to the port's Makefile (/usr/ports/devel/fpp/Makefile).

It currently says:

Make that:
MASTER_SITES=   NL/fortran/ \

Note that the use of MASTER_SITE_SUBDIR is, well, maybe technically not
deprecated, but no longer necessary either and in this case it's actually
inconvenient, so get rid of that.

You can test the mirror by temporarily removing the NL bit, making it
MASTER_SITES=   http://ports.toco-domains.de/
and doing
# cd /usr/ports/devel/fpp
# make distclean
# make fetch

It should then fetch the distfile from your mirror (note that it will try
distcache.FreeBSD.org next if it fails). If it works, you can add the NL
bit back in.

Hope this helps,


I'm not completely useless, I can be used as a bad example.
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