+MANIFEST changed syntax in pkg 1.4?

Aristedes Maniatis ari at ish.com.au
Mon Dec 22 03:00:08 UTC 2014

Ever since we upgraded to pkg 1.4, our scripts which create packages from binary applications are now failing. I use "pkg create" to generate a pkg from a folder full of files. The +MAINFEST file is something we create from a template.

Since the upgrade, we are unable to create packages. Note that we don't use ports since we aren't building from source, but just creating convenient  installers for FreeBSD systems.

The error we get looks like this:

pkg: manifest parsing error: error while parsing <unknown>: line: 31, column: 8 - 'invalid character in a key', character: '0x0a'

But at the line number in question is nothing out of the ordinary. Just the lines after:

      pre-install: |-

if I completely get rid of the scripts section, then I get another set of errors like:

pkg: Skipping malformed key 'version'
pkg: Skipping malformed key 'deps'
pkg: Skipping malformed key 'files'

Has the +MAINFEST file changed in sytnax from 1.3 to 1.4 and is now not yaml? I notice that the +MANIFEST files inside packages already built by the ports system look more like json in format. Where do I find documentation for the new format?


Ari Maniatis

Aristedes Maniatis
Level 1, 30 Wilson Street Newtown 2042 Australia
phone +61 2 9550 5001   fax +61 2 9550 4001
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