Biuilding ports without Makefiles using different lang compiler

Big Lebowski spankthespam at
Wed Sep 25 21:50:42 UTC 2013

Hi list,

I am working on a new port, that's a software written in Go, which doesnt
have a Makefile in sources, and I am wondering that's the right way to
write it: I could use NO_BUILD and in pre-install cdw to relevant directory
and invoke compiler libary and its target, like 'go build' (using variables
of course from port Makefile) that would do the job, but somehow I feel
there should be a better way.

I wonder should I write a Makefile for it and patch the sources to place it
there, so I could just use ports mechanisms, or is there another way, or
perhaps what I am describing above is the correct way of handling that?


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