poudriere behave-alike for

John Marino freebsd.contact at marino.st
Mon Nov 25 09:58:05 UTC 2013

On 11/25/2013 10:47, Christopher J. Ruwe wrote:
> While it would be well be possible to use Joyent's binaries, I am a
> huge fan of the ability of ports-like systems to be tuned.

If by tuned you mean "I want to have a non-default set of options", I
think pbulk and distbb support that.

> I am also a
> huge fan of the poudriere approach of building everything in clean
> jails, especially after being nastily bitten by implicit dependencies
> (i.e., such deps as introduced by autoconf runs instead of being
> declared in the port). 

pbulk and distbb also employ the clean jail approach.

> I had the hopes that issue had come up sufficiently often that
> somebody already did a poudriere port or build a functional clone or
> however to call that. I do not really know whether I can port
> poudriere capability- and capacity-wise.

It's not trivial, but poudriere is just a bunch of shell scripts (right
now).  But add on a new implemention of "jail.sh" per platform, plus
changing pkgng out for pkgsrc/pkgin and it's even a bigger job than the
dragonfly branch was.

But no, you should assume there is no poudriere clone available for
pkgsrc at the moment.

> However, many thanks, your answers have helped me a lot in getting a
> better picture.


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