"portmaster -r perl" rebuild almost everything, including apache24, php53 etc.

Lev Serebryakov lev at FreeBSD.org
Fri Jun 21 19:23:40 UTC 2013

Hello, Freebsd-ports.

  I have old 9-STABEL eserver, which was converted to pkg-ng some time
 ago. This server has perl5.12, apache24, php53, some php modules, etc.
 installed via ports.

  I've tried to upgrade perl5.12 with recommended "portmaster -r perl"
 and it rebuild almost everything, including apache, php, all php
 modules, all apache modules, midnigght commander (mc) and lot more.

  Is it ok?

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <lev at FreeBSD.org>

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