About lua 5.2

Matthias Andree mandree at FreeBSD.org
Wed Jan 30 22:13:26 UTC 2013

David Demelier wrote:
>> Lua has some disavantages to break compatibility between major versions,
>> thus I'm not sure if current lua modules in the ports tree will still works
>> with that version.
>> Should we start a repocopy of all modules to lua51-* before creating the
>> new port for lua 5.2?

and later:

> I've just realized that Lua52 was in the ports tree!

Yes, but "repocopies" as concept are obsolete - we use Subversion (SVN)
for ports these days, where a "copy" is tracked by SVN itself.

If I derive ports, and only then, I will just use "svn copy" and then
modify accordingly (for instance, security/openvpn22 was set up that way).

Note that some of the related and popular modules are not compatible
with Lua 5.2, so if you want to help with those, feel free to contact
lua at FreeBSD.org which is a list with three maintainers of Lua ports.

Best regards
Matthias Andree (one of the lua@ members)

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