Notes on upgrades after libpcre update

Kevin Oberman kob6558 at
Tue Dec 11 23:18:55 UTC 2012

As many of you noticed, the update of devel/pcre bumped hte version of which is a dependency of LOTS of things. Here are some
incomplete notes on what might bite you: Note that I refer to
pkg_libchk. It is part of sysutils/bsddminscripts. If you run pkgng,
you will need to edit it an change "pkg_info" to "pkg info". There may
be a couple of other changes needed, but I have not switched to pkgng
due to tools that use the old /var/db/pkg structure.

1. portmaster/portupgrade -r devel/pcre will want to re-install most
everything on the system. Use pkg_libcheck:
% pkg_libchk -o | grep libpcre | cut -f1 -d: | sort | uniq > rebuild.pcre
2. pkg_delete -f avahi-app
3. portmaster -D `cat rebuild.pcre`

This will result in re-building only those ports that really need
re-building. If avahi-app is not deleted, it will fail to re-build. If
you hit that, just delete the package and re-start the rebuild job.

If I find other issues, I will follow up on this thread. Since my
system is a laptop running Gnome, others may hit issues I won't. This
would be better done on the wiki, but I don't have write access to it.
R. Kevin Oberman, Network Engineer
E-mail: kob6558 at

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