Combining several upgrades using portmaster

Dmitry Pryanishnikov lynx.ripe at
Tue Nov 9 21:40:48 UTC 2010


2010/11/9 Alexey Shuvaev <shuvaev at>:
> In the case that you catch 2 or more sweeping updates it is very likely
> that you are updating across rather large time interval (half of a year
> or more). In this case I usually ignore all '-r' UPDATING entries and
> do just portmaster -a. The idea is that almost all ports have got
> updated in this large period of time too.

  I routinely use 'portmaster -a' on my workstation. OTOH for a server
machine '-r gettext' and '-r png-' may be less disrupting: it won't
touch ports for running server processes (e.g. squid or bind), and
thus prevent service downtime during the upgrade. I prefer to upgrade
ports for such a server processes only when absolutely necessary (e.g.
when they become vulnerable), and not just on port version change
(which will trigger an upgrade when using 'portmaster -a').

Sincerely, Dmitry
nic-hdl: LYNX-RIPE

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