GSoC: Making ports work with clang

Peter Jeremy peterjeremy at
Mon May 3 20:54:11 UTC 2010

On 2010-May-03 16:33:19 +0300, Andrius Morkūnas <hinokind at> wrote:
>I wasn't talking about any specific port. What I meant is that new hardware
>won't stop coming out just because FreeBSD decided not to update their gcc.
>New CPUs may have new instructions and other things that are different from
>their predecessors in one way or another.

As an example of an increasingly common CPU that gcc 4.2 doen't
support, consider the Intel Atom.  It supports the 'Core' (ie up to
SSSE3) instructions but only does in-order execution (like the
Pentium 1).

Peter Jeremy
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