portmanager endlessly looping in x11

jhell jhell at DataIX.net
Thu Aug 26 05:17:50 UTC 2010

On 08/25/2010 21:27, Chuck Robey wrote:
> I have an interesting thing here: I seem to have found an endless loop in
> portmanager.  It's *entirely* possible that I'm myself causing this, so I'll
> explain, and if you can come up with any hints, I'll be happy to test them,
> because I really do like using portmanager.
> What my goal is, is to update the qt4 port, but one of the dependencies it finds
> is x11/libX11 ... and two (the only 2) dependencies it finds unsatisfied for
> libX11 are x11/libXau and x11/libXtrans.  Trouble is, it endlessly (and
> seemingly quite successfully) rebuilds both of these, but them can't seem to
> find either to mark them as satisfied (to move onlto building libX11).  I tried
> to cd into both of these dirs and build them directly using make
> clean/package/clean, and it succeeds fine, but portmanager *still* can't get
> past them.
> My ports are up to date, no more than a week old, I use cvs to keep the sources
> nicely up to date.  I'd really appreciate any suggestions you can offer.

CC: <The maintainer> of ports-mgmt/portmanager is a good start. Maybe
He/She can give you some insight of the working of portmanager. I am not
sure how portmanager keeps the package database up to date but sometimes
dependencies can get messed up in the database that can cause a loop and
if not handled correctly by the upgrade process can cause a lot of
grief. In portmaster you could be using --check-depends and in
portupgrade you could use -Ffu but you don't seem to be using any of the
suggested ports-mgmt upgrade utilities so good luck. ``emphasis on
portmaster'' -- written by dougb@, so you know it works!.




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