Xfce 4.6 - what changes are needed?

Torfinn Ingolfsen tingox at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 13:25:06 PST 2009


OK, so now Xfce 4.6 is in our ports tree. Great job.
But - some things are not working like they used to, and there is no
entry in /usr/ports/UPDATING. Are there any documentation elsewhere
that describes what changes are needed to get this working again?

When I did 'startxfce4' after the upgrade, all my icons in the panel
was gone. I had to add them manually. Is that how it should be?

Another example, xfce4-mixer claims that my sound card is "Unknown
(OSS Mixer)", is that correct?
And the cpugraph plugin crashes (signal 11) when you try to add it to
the panel, is somebody working on a fix?
Torfinn Ingolfsen

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