FreeBSD Port: DarwinStreamingServer-6.0.3

Jeremy Chadwick koitsu at
Mon Oct 13 16:53:02 UTC 2008

On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 09:05:27AM -0500, Jason wrote:
> Jeremy,
>    Thanks much! I am not exactly sure how that port got in this state  
> either, but I *did* manually download just the port for the  
> DarwinStreamingServer and plunk into my port tree, so I know I am not  
> following protocol ;-)

Yup, that would cause the problem.  I'm willing to bet you downloaded
the Makefile and distinfo and thought that would be all you needed; you
very likely did not clean up the files/ directory to reflect the current
state of the port.

Consider this a reason for updating your ports tree properly.  :-)

If you want a tarball of just the net/DSS port, I can put one up
somewhere for you as a convenience.

> My install did indeed start with ports and src  installed (I have a
> hosted server where they do the initial install). I  will use CVSUP
> and properly get my ports in order before I bug you guys  again.

I would recommend you use csup instead.  I forget if it's available in
the base system on 6.0, but if not, it's in net/csup.  You can safely
pkg_delete cvsup and ezm3/modula3 from your system and start using the
pure C-based csup program (it functions 100% identically to cvsup, but
lacks "CVS mode", but you're not using that feature anyway).

| Jeremy Chadwick                                jdc at |
| Parodius Networking              |
| UNIX Systems Administrator                  Mountain View, CA, USA |
| Making life hard for others since 1977.              PGP: 4BD6C0CB |

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