There is no way to know what port options mean (in general)

Pav Lucistnik pav at
Thu Mar 27 16:58:09 PDT 2008

Wesley Shields píše v čt 27. 03. 2008 v 15:58 -0400:

> > I can see it already! :) Can you code it?
> As a first pass I've got an almost working skeleton which uses --hfile
> and pulls the descriptions from OPTIONS variable (using a 4th field).
> It also adds --hline "Please use ? for a detailed description" to the
> dialog call.


> It's not quite what you were expecting but I'm not sure how to make
> dialog show two windows at once - admittedly I have not looked too hard
> at that.

It might not be possible with existing dialog(1). Anyway, thanks for the
effort, I'm looking forward to nexxt week for a final patch.

Pav Lucistnik <pav at>
              <pav at>
The rule of software licences: If it doesn't fit on your screen, it's
probably too complex to understand.
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