FreeBSD Port: festival-1.96

Dave Cabot dave.cabot at
Thu May 17 23:06:19 UTC 2007

Maybe you can tell me what I'm doing wrong.  On a fresh copy of FreeBSD 6.2
i386 I complied festival 1.96 (and tried 1.95beta1 with the same results),
installed a voice, and tried the saytime script.  It failed with an error
SIOD ERROR: unbound variable : ΒΌ
The last character changes every time I try compiling it.  I even installted
the gcc-4.2.0 compiler and tried and still get the same results.

Is the --script flag for festival broken on FreeBSD?  I need it for

Pls advise.  Thanks,

Dave Cabot
ICON Soluciones
+505 419-0750 office  | +1 727 490-3579 VoIP USA
+505 841-1013 cell    | +1 519 489-0516 VoIP Canada
                      | +1 727 683-9313 fax

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