FreeBSD Port: net-mgmt/nagios (not using a registered UID/GID?)

Peter Losher Peter_Losher at
Thu Dec 21 04:58:12 PST 2006

Is there any reason why the nagios user/group isn't using a standardized
UID/GID from /usr/ports/{U,G}IDs these days?  It's been best practice
for port maintainers some time to do this, and it's biting me in the
arse at the moment as I roll out nagios2 (and nrpe2).

I don't wan't to pick a a number that will a) be used by a future
registration or b) a large number that adduser will work around.

And count me as another person who would like to see the nrpe2 port
check for the nagios user/group and add them to the system if needed.
Seeing a process run as user -1 is just wrong... :(

Best Wishes - Peter
Peter_Losher at | ISC | OpenPGP 0xE8048D08 | "The bits must flow"

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