FreeBSD Port: latexmk-307a

Dmitriy Shnayder dis5149 at
Tue Apr 18 16:18:11 UTC 2006

Fernan Aguero wrote:
> +----[ Dmitriy Shnayder <dis5149 at> (18.Apr.2006 01:06):
> |
> | When I use the algorithms LaTeX package [1] in a LaTeX document and run 
> | latexmk to generate a PDF file, the program works. If I place a list of 
> | algorithms into my document's table of contents, this generates a .loa 
> | file. When I then tell latexmk to clean up files with "latexmk -c" or 
> | "latexmk -C" this file remains.
> Dmitriy,
> first of all I would say that this is not a question that is
> specific to the FreeBSD port but to latexmk in general. So
> you should try and ask the author of the software or a
> latexmk specific forum.
> Nevertheless, let me say that this IMO is the right thing to
> do. latexmk cannot and should not care about the myriad of
> latex packages available on CTAN and try to include the
> files they might generate in its cleanup routines.
> That's why the author included the ability to configure
> latexmk using rc files. Read the man page.
> | I would like you to change latexmk and introduce a simple fix for this 
> | problem. In the cleanup_basic subroutine, add the following line:
> | 
> | unlink("$root_filename.loa");
> This is not necessary, as you can set either
> [ I have not tested this. Caveat emptor ]
> $clean_ext = ".loa" or
> $clean_full_ext = ".loa"
> in your .latexmkrc file and latexmk will then unlink them as
> necessary.  Again, this is all in the documentation of
> latexmk.
> Hope this helps,
> Fernan


Thank you for your help. I read the man page and created a .latexmkrc file as 
you suggested, and now the file goes away when I type "latexmk -c". The right 
configuration file syntax is

$clean_ext = "loa"
Dmitriy Shnayder

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