Using the ports dev structure for individual projects....

Forrest Aldrich forrie at
Wed Mar 16 10:53:12 PST 2005

I've been asked to take a few select ports from /usr/ports and create a 
build environment.

This presents a few technical issues, some of which can be dealt with by 
overriding certain variables like PORTSDIR, NOPORTDOCS, et al.

The second problem is ports are updated with some frequency, and we need 
to keep a stateful build environment so that each dependency is there 
"as-is" during that build.

I figure I could lessen the pain of hacking variables by simply 
snapshotting the /usr/ports struture, placing that into a separate 
directory and then modifying PORTSDIR and DISTDIR in the build process.

So before I go too far here, I wonder if someone else has done this - 
perhaps some examples/tips/feedback would be appreciated.


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