octave and heimdal conflict around fnmatch.h (was Re: issues compiling octave-2.1.69 on FreeBSD 5.4)

John W. Eaton jwe at bevo.che.wisc.edu
Sat Apr 23 07:24:27 PDT 2005

On 23-Apr-2005, Joan Picanyol i Puig <lists-octave at biaix.org> wrote:

| Making this change allowed Octave to link cleanly. I'm not sure what the
| proper fix is, I see several options:
| 1.- fix heimdal to either use the system's fnmatch.h or provide an extern
|     "C" wrapper using the __BEGIN_DECLS macro
| 2.- make octave use the system's fnmatch.h

Octave's makefiles do not add -I/usr/local/include to the compiler
flags, so it must be that your compiler is searching there by default.

I don't think it is good for an external package to install header
files that replace system headers in locations that are searched by
default.  So I'd say that the heimdal package is broken.


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