FreeBSD Port: mysql-serv

Michael Heitmeier mheitmeier at
Mon Oct 25 13:18:06 PDT 2004


mea culpa, you're right.

I finally got back to fixing this and of course that was it... although in 
my feeble defense reading UPDATING would not have helped me.

I was thinking that /etc/rc.conf is only read at system startup and would 
therefore not have thought that this is relevant after a non-boot start of 
MySQL, and that 'see the script for details' is very cryptic as I still 
don't know what that file is and where I should have looked for the exact 
entries to /etc/rc.conf

Thanks for your help,


>From: "Haulmark, Chris" <chris at>
>Keep in mind, it was mentioned in /usr/ports/UPDATING.

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