postgresql build options, postgis and geos

Sam Lawrance boris at
Tue Oct 5 08:33:10 PDT 2004

Hi folks,
Just a quick prod to see what you think...

Postgis includes a bunch of useful functions for manipulating spatial
data. Some of them are provided by geos, a separate c++ library, with
postgis providing wrappers.

According to postgis docs, postgresql _must_ be configured with LDFLAGS
containing -lstdc++ for this to work. I can confirm this.

The postgis port provides the WITH_GEOS tunable, but it has no effect
unless the above adjustment is made to postgresql. The port makes no
mention of this. Is there a penalty in just leaving
 LDFLAGS+= -lstdc++
in the postgresql port Makefile? Bad idea? What do you think?


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