Ports with a wrong PKGORIGIN

Oliver Eikemeier eik at FreeBSD.org
Thu May 27 23:12:33 PDT 2004

** The following ports have a wrong PKGORIGIN **

 PKGORIGIN connects packaged or installed ports to the directory they
 originated from. This is essential for tools like pkg_version or
 portupgrade to work correctly. Wrong PKGORIGINs are often caused by a
 wrong order of CATEGORIES after a repocopy.

- *www/phpgedview* <hubert at frbsd.org>: misc/phpgedview
   | revision 1.1
   | date: 2004/05/27 22:03:08;  author: pav;  state: Exp;
   | PhpGedView parses GEDCOM 5.5 genealogy files and displays them on the
   | Internet in a format similar to desktop programs. All it requires to
   | run is a PHP enabled web server and a gedcom file. You can easily
   | customize it by using one of the provided themes or by modifying them
   | to meet your own needs.
   | PR:		ports/63153
   | Submitted by:	Hubert Tournier <hubert at frbsd.org>

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