Portaudit inhibits updating to mysql-client-4.0.20

Oliver Eikemeier eikemeier at fillmore-labs.com
Tue May 18 23:51:59 PDT 2004

Randy Pratt wrote:

> On Wed, 19 May 2004 06:53:40 +0200
> Kay Lehmann <kay_lehmann at web.de> wrote:
>>>I did update the (portaudit -F) database before portupgrade.  I just
>>>went ahead and disabled portaudit to do the update.
>>># portupgrade -m DISABLE_VULNERABILITIES=yes mysql-client-4.0.18_1
>>>Is portaudit always going to be lagging behind the vuln.xml ?

Yep, there is a lag. I'm trying to put the portaudit database on a web
server in order to guarantee more timely updates, but there has to be
*some* lag. Part of the problem is that VuXML has entries like `>=...'
which are changed when a port is fixed. Although you can never know the
version that fixes the problems, I would prefer `<=current'.


might be ok if you live in north america, otherwise you can try

  env MASTER_SITES=http://people.freebsd.org/~eik/portaudit/ portaudit -Fd

occasionally, which should lag at most 30 minutes.


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