x11-wm/xwmm [WAS: Possibly unbuildable ports reminder]

Oliver Eikemeier eikemeier at fillmore-labs.com
Fri May 14 12:24:02 PDT 2004

Michael Nottebrock wrote:

> On Friday 14 May 2004 20:34, Oliver Eikemeier wrote:
>>>As far as we are concerned, it's orphaned, and if someone else wants to
>>>maintain it they can.
>>The point is: is it obsolete? Should it be removed from the ports tree?
>>I guess no one has better expertise than kde@ to decide on this.
> We wanted to remove it long ago, but there was loud demand we didn't, so we 
> just dropped maintainership. Nobody in kde@ cares about qt23 anymore and I 
> myself deny any expertise about it :-).

Ok, probably the load demand ebbed away in the meantime, so would anyone of kde
care to mark x11-toolkits/qt23, japanese/qt23 and dependent ports as
deprecated, expiration date 2004-07-14?

> However, the "problem" raised by Michael is bogus: qt23 conflicts with qt3x 
> and a conflict isn't a bug and no grounds for removing anything either.

The initial mail said:

> I know I don't want QT2 on my system and assume most others feel the same way.

That is what I was referring to. I noted that the package builds fine on !alpha.


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