feedback requested for math/gap port reorganization

David Bremner bremner at
Tue Jul 6 08:17:30 PDT 2004

I wanted to upgrade the port math/gap port. Due to packaging changes
by the authors, it no longer seems as nice to build all of the
gap packages (extensions to gap) at once; for one thing, the giant
tarball now has the date in its name.  One thing led to another, and I
am currently at the following

port math/gap
	just installs the core into 

port math/gap-package
	a "master port" for gap packages. I had to reassign DESCR and
	MD5_FILE to come out of the slave ports directory. I am not sure what
	chaos will ensue.

port math/gap-grape
port math/gap-ace
	two (of possible 10? 20?) slave ports. Simple 6 line Makefiles.
	PLIST is created on the fly by the master port.  Note that
	these set PORTNAME, so they are not really slave ports like 

you can have a look at the whole business in

Assuming the other subpackages go as smoothly, I should be able to
knock of the other slave ports to install the standard gap packages,
but I won't bother if there is something irreparably braindamaged with
the whole idea.


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