problem with importing ghostscript port(s)

Rob Kolstad kolstad at ace.DELOS.COM
Fri Jan 23 07:51:20 PST 2004

I was unable to import (i.e., make) either of the ghostscript ports
this morning because this file:


was claimed to have a bad checksum.

I hand-imported the file as suggested; no joy.

I blindly (with no knowledge of what's really going on) changed the
checksum in that file and the package seems to be compiling well now.


              * /\  Rob Kolstad               Executive Director, SAGE
       *   /\  /  \  kolstad at             FAX: +1 719-481-6551
        /\/  \/    \  +1 719-481-6542        15235 Roller Coaster Road
       /  \  /      \  Colorado Springs, CO 80921

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