UID conflict: Both database/firebird and net/quagga apeear touse UID 90

Marco van de Voort marcov at stack.nl
Mon Jan 12 09:45:23 PST 2004

(the FPC side of the questions)

> This makes using devel/fpc (which has firebird as a dependency) on a box
> running quagga rather interesting.

If you have a problem with this, there is a package for the most recent FPC version here:


(the .tgz, version 1.9.2)

It makes no sense why fpc depends on firebird btw.

The fpc ports have tons of headers for C libraries on board, but adding all those packages
as dependancy is insane. It seems firebird got singled out for some reason.

(on the db front alone this is bdb, oracle, postgres, two mysql versions, interbase)

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