XFree86 (xterm) broken?

Randy Pratt rpratt1950 at earthlink.net
Mon Aug 30 22:05:59 PDT 2004


It seems the xterm has changed lately (Aug 24)?  It seems to be linked
to a static version:

lrwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  27 Aug 24 13:41 /usr/X11R6/bin/xterm at ->

The "mesg" function no longer works and produces errors:
	$ mesg y
	mesg: /dev/ttyp6: Operation not permitted

This prevents the unix talk requests from displaying on the xterm
so I have to switch to console mode to find out who is calling
(or do a "vidcontrol -P < /dev/ttyv0").

I thought I had broken something until it was confirmed by other
users I contacted today.  I was also a bit surprised to see that
its now a port of its own.  I'd like to see the old behavior
restored if possible.  Or have I totally missed the boat somewhere
along the line?



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