FreshPorts and VuXML

Dan Langille dan at
Thu Aug 19 18:32:39 PDT 2004

Hi folks,

Does anyone want to code up a perl script to parse VuXML data?

What I need is the following information extracted from the XML:

- latest_link (i.e. the package name).  I'd prefer category/port, but that
doesn't seem to be available.

- description
- references
- etc

FreshPorts already uses p5-XML-Node and p5-XML-Parser to parse commits, so
I recommend using those tools.

To get you started, here is the script which FreshPorts uses for parsing
The key here is SetupParser() which defines the XML element of interest.

Also, have a look at which
shows how ports/UPDATING is parsed.  ParseFile() is the key here.

Don't worry about updating the FreshPorts database. If the script gets the
information, I can add the code to update the database.

If you have any questions, ask away.


Dan Langille -

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