Upgrade of itcl breaks tkdesk

LarsKöller Lars at koellers.net
Tue Dec 16 11:52:17 PST 2003


i'm really sad to hear tkdesk is nearly dead. It's a nice tool, but in 
with KDE and GNOME fighting against on the desktop, there is no 
interest in small usefull tool.

However, it would be very nice to bring tkdesk to tcl8.4+, and have it 
available some more time.

Perhaps we should modify the port to use his own static linked 
itcl lib, only included in the tkdesk port for keeping tkdesk 
running if it's not possible to have enough resources to port it to a 
current tcl version.

So far good luck and best regards


In reply to "J. Chris Coppick" who wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>Andy Sparrow wrote:
>| (jchris, maintainer of 'tkdesk' added to Cc: list)
>Thanks, Andy.
>| [...]
>| It's obviously not my decision to take, but I regret to say that I tend
>| to the view that it is probably best for -ports as a whole to update
>| 'itcl' to 8.4 if the only thing holding it back is the 'tkdesk' port.
>| This would leave 'tkdesk' broken, to be updated as/when possible. I
>| might be mistaken, but I don't think it's worked on Linux since they
>| went to 8.3 - and that *BSD is the only place where 'tkdesk' has worked
>| for quite some time.
>Due to other professional/personal responsibilities and interests on my
>part, combined with a lack of serious contributors, TkDesk can be
>considered, at best, dormant if not completely dead.  I'd been planning
>to seek another maintainer(s), or, lacking success at that, to
>officially mothball the project.  Sadly, I couldn't even be bothered to
>make the time necessary to do that small task (mea culpa).
>Having said that...  Recently I have had some extra time and have been
>considering a release that would at least bring TkDesk in line with
>Tcl 8.4+.  However, I certainly would not recommend that anyone hold
>back any releases/upgrades based on that slim possibility.
>Unfortunately, my recommendation is to leave TkDesk behind and, in the
>process, heap as much shame on me as possible, in hopes that the
>crushing burden of guilt will eventually squeeze out some sort of
>constructive action on my part.
>	Chris
>Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (GNU/Linux)

Lars Köller
E-Mail: lars at koellers.net (LKoeller at FreeBSD.ORG)
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