ports/63282: [NEW PORT] x11-toolkits/gtk-qt-engine

Danny Pansters danny at ricin.com
Tue Mar 23 01:20:15 UTC 2004

The following reply was made to PR ports/63282; it has been noted by GNATS.

From: Danny Pansters <danny at ricin.com>
To: freebsd-gnats-submit at FreeBSD.org, danny at ricin.com
Cc: David Sansome <me at davidsansome.com>, ports at freebsd.org
Subject: Re: ports/63282: [NEW PORT] x11-toolkits/gtk-qt-engine
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2004 02:12:35 +0100

 This message is also Re: [ACKNOWLEDGE AUTHOR] Submitted a FreeBSD port for 
 On Saturday 20 March 2004 19:29, you wrote:
 > Hash: SHA1
 > Hi Danny,
 > Sorry for the late reply, I've been away this month :(
 > I'm not familiar with the BSD ports system, or how things are submitted.
 > Thanks for doing it for me ;)
 OK, let me explain. There are port submitters who send in the makefile with 
 patches and anything needed to make the source code compile and install on 
 FreeBSD. Things like install prefix and compiler options can be specified. 
 The ports system first fetches the source code, first default preference is 
 from the authors website or FTP repository, then it checks md5 sum, then 
 extracts (bzip2, gzip, zip) source into a "work" directory. Then applies 
 patches, then configures (usually this step isn't specified) if any, then 
 builds, and installs and finally registers and optionally packs the result 
 into a binary package. 
 So a port maintainer or submitter mainly changes paths and stuff and other 
 small patches. Well, sometimes big ones. It works a lot like Gentoo Linux' 
 ebuilds which was inspired by *BSD ports. To browse ports please look at 
 http://www.freebsd.org/ports/index.html or http://www.freshports.org 
 > What happens now?  Should I notify anyone when there is a new version?
 Only port committers have CVS access. I don't. I recently recieved a reply 
 from the GNATS database that the port doesn't compile on FreeBSD-STABLE 
 (that's 4.9 at the time). I'm running 5.x (called -CURRENT) and the next 
 release 5.3 is slated to become the -STABLE branch. 
 So I'm kinda stuck and wondering if the problem was caused by other ports 
 (gtk) rather than it being a build problem with this software. 
 I've rebuilt gtk20 and gtk-qt-engine without any problems, including the 
 latest font changes. I have tried building the port against gcc2.95, 3.2 and 
 3.3 (the default in 5.x, I don't know about 4.x, might be 2.95 still) and all 
 worked fine. I also tried with gtk built with and without what's called the 
 "experimental menu dropshadow patch". In both cases gtk-qt-engine worked fine 
 on my 5.2-CURRENT desktop. 
 I will send this as feedback to the FreeBSD bug database also, this entry is 
 at http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=63282 please look there also 
 for the reported build error, perhaps it rings a bell (disclaimer: I'm not a 
 C programmer).
 I hope someone can provide more feedback, otherwise I'll just resubmit when we 
 arrive at FreeBSD-5.3. I took the liberty of CC'ing to ports at . This port is 
 really an asset to KDE but I don't have spare boxen to run -STABLE on.
 > > Thanks for your software! Would appreciate a headsup if the major version
 > > changes. I'll be happy to provide more feedback if you desire so.
 > Will do :)
 In the port's Makefile I have set maintainer to be ports at freebsd.org (that is: 
 nobody). Not because I'd hate to be it, but rather because if this is adopted 
 it should probably be in the hands of our kde@ team I think. But I'll happily 
 submit any version bumps. 
 Finally some random layman's (OK, that's a bit of an understatement) 
 observations: Textfields and combo's and the like have no border. Toolbars 
 have no border. Scrollbars leave an open "non-scrollable" space at the bottom 
 or at the right. Standard OK and Cancel buttons should have no image and 
 scale normally not bigger (observed in gimp-2-pre). In the Dir menu the OK 
 button, when used in an app without icon, shows no text and after selection 
 of the dir it becomes a flattened rectangle altogether (observed in an wx-gtk 
 app of my own). Hope this helps! I looked at them using the PlastiK theme.
 All in all, gtk apps look a LOT better this way when one runs a KDE system. 
 Haven't observed any apparent crashes, hangs, panics or memory sinks.
 > David Sansome
 > Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)
 > g/EVSLt9BnNl6Lfy7SfW8QU=
 > =4Gyk
 > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

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