ports/181914: net/p5-Socket-GetAddrInfo fails to build package

Mathieu Arnold mat at mat.cc
Mon Sep 16 20:27:46 UTC 2013

+--On 16 septembre 2013 13:07:41 -0700 Dave Hayes <dave at jetcafe.org> wrote:
| If you look at pkg-plist, it has this set of substitutions. Without
| someone to explain what these substitutions are for and why one would or
| would not want them, it's hard to really understand what you mean. :)

The thing is that everything seems to be conflicted, when I ran my tests,
it needed the C bits for 5.12 and 5.14, but not for 5.16 and 5.18. Now, the
Build.PL says :
# As of Perl 5.13.9, core's Socket now contains getaddrinfo, getnameinfo,
which could mean that it doesn't need the C bits for 5.14, but my tests did
need it.

So, all in all, I don't really know what to do with it :-)

Mathieu Arnold

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