ports/181914: net/p5-Socket-GetAddrInfo fails to build package

Dave Hayes dave at jetcafe.org
Mon Sep 16 20:07:43 UTC 2013

On 09/16/13 11:39, Andrej Zverev wrote:
> This version (0.22) somehow is totally broken.

I can't really tell. It appeared to pass the tests in the work directory.

> Installing own files in
> random way (or at least I can't understand logic). So if you change it
> this way it will also be broken in another way. (pkg-plist)
> I think right way:
> 1. Revert to 0.21
> 2. Avoid automatic install and write custom do-install target

Can you explain this in more detail? I was able to produce what seems to 
be the correct package by my hack.

If you look at pkg-plist, it has this set of substitutions. Without 
someone to explain what these substitutions are for and why one would or 
would not want them, it's hard to really understand what you mean. :)
Dave Hayes - Consultant - Altadena CA, USA - dave at jetcafe.org
 >>>> *The opinions expressed above are entirely my own* <<<<

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