misc/179033: [dc] dc ethernet driver seems to have issues with some multiport card and mother board combinations

yongari at FreeBSD.org yongari at FreeBSD.org
Thu May 30 01:13:27 UTC 2013

Synopsis: [dc] dc ethernet driver seems to have issues with some multiport card and mother board combinations

State-Changed-From-To: open->feedback
State-Changed-By: yongari
State-Changed-When: Thu May 30 01:11:55 UTC 2013
The information you gave looks confusing to me.
If you're using pfSense on Atom D510MO and seeing the issue I'm
afraid I'm not able to help that. pfSense may have some local
changes and I'm not familiar with that.
Did you try stock FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE on Atom D510MO?
If you still see the same issue with stock FreeBSD 9.1-REELASE,
could you setup remote debugging environment mentioned in the
following URL?

Given that dc(4) works fine with Dell machines I guess the issue
may be in pci(4) which can't correctly handle device sits behind
PCI-PCI bridge.

Note, Holland Consulting's document does not apply to FreeBSD.
dc(4) can handle multiple instances of dc(4) and should be able to
support dual/quad port dc(4) controllers.

Responsible-Changed-From-To: freebsd-net->yongari
Responsible-Changed-By: yongari
Responsible-Changed-When: Thu May 30 01:11:55 UTC 2013


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