IPv6 and me....

Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine brunner at nic-naa.net
Wed Jun 18 09:05:45 PDT 2003

well ...  One day my mom (a lifer in the data center at the Naval
Post-Graduate School in Monterey) called to tell me that the new
Admiral had decided that the School would go all-MS ...

Unlike Ada, the DoD has been fairly effective in wiping non-MS
operating system products off its desk-top spindles. Is this a
"good thing"? Nope. Is this going to change? Nope. Is it (and all
the attached human investment) a defensible element in US National
Security Infrastructure? Nope.

Was the DoD always this stupid, or is it simply a cerebral hemmorage
at DARPA a decade ago that is now ... profoundly visibile?


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