IPv6 and me....

John Polstra jdp at polstra.com
Wed Jun 18 08:47:38 PDT 2003

In article <Pine.NEB.3.96L.1030617174146.18512E-100000 at fledge.watson.org>,
Robert Watson  <rwatson at freebsd.org> wrote:
> This isn't the answer you're looking for, but... I was very interested to
> see a CNET article that DoD has announced a concrete interest in deploying
> IPv6 over the next five years.  If that is indeed the case, you're going
> to see a lot more support for IPv6 from vendors, etc.

Kind of like what happened with Ada, eh? ;-)

  John Polstra
  John D. Polstra & Co., Inc.                        Seattle, Washington USA
  "Two buttocks cannot avoid friction."                     -- Malawi saying

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