webcam and audio capture

Marco Beishuizen mbeis at
Sat Dec 26 12:31:41 UTC 2015

On Sat, 26 Dec 2015, the wise Michael Zhilin wrote:

> Hi Marco,
> Do you have tried to change default_unit to 4? I don't remember exact 
> sysctl node, but it's easy to grep it:
> sysctl -a | grep default_unit
> It worked for me before to resolve all troubles with sound.
> Thanks!

Hi Michael,

This unfortunately doesn't work because the problem isn't the soundcard 
(output), but the webcam (input). Sound output is working fine 
(/dev/dsp0). But sound input should be /dev/dsp4 but is incorrectly also 
pointed to /dev/dsp0.

The rights and interests of the laboring man will be protected and cared
for not by our labor agitators, but by the Christian men to whom God in his
infinite wisdom has given control of property interests of the country, and
upon the successful management of which so much remains.
 		-- George F. Baer, railroad industrialist

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