Headless box with PVR-250 - ideas needed

Torfinn Ingolfsen torfinn.ingolfsen at broadpark.no
Wed Apr 20 23:44:53 UTC 2011

On Wed, 20 Apr 2011 14:04:38 -0500
Saul A Peebsen <jaglover at gmail.com> wrote:

> So I did my homework, at least I thought I did. I read the Wiki which
> tells us PVR-x50 works with MythTV. I bought a PVR-250 for this very
> purpose, to work with MythTV backend. I crawled in dusty attic
> installing cables. I hacked the drivers to make them work with my card.
> All this was in vain, MythTV does not work with this card.

To be precise: the current version of MythTV in ports (0.24_1) doesn't
work with your card, yes?

My main MythTV backend has a PVR-500 card (= 2 x PVR-150s), but runs
a very old version of MythTV (0.20).
My test machine has a PVR-350 in it, and ran MythTV  0.22 happily.
No, we didn't succed in making MythTV 0.23 work with that card, and we
haven't (yet) succeded with MythTV 0.24.

> Now I need some ideas, how could I at least watch TV in my desktop
> using that card in headless box, buried in the closet? 

Well, the card needs a driver for it to work. For MythTV that means
that you have to have a working mythbackend install on that machine at
If you could live with an older version of MythTV, you could always try
to portdowngrade to MythTV 0.22 and see if that one would work with
your card.

Other options:
vdr is in ports (I have just tried it briefly, to me it looks as
difficult to get working as MythTV was initially). YMMV

You could run another os on your backend (Linux?) and just run the
mythfrontend on your (FreeBSD) desktop.
Note: you *must* use the same version of MythTV (actually, the same
version of the MythTV protocol) on the frontend as you do on the
backend, or ity won't work.

So yes, there are options, none of them perfect.

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