xawtv questions

Karel Miklav karel at inetis.com
Mon Aug 1 05:54:05 GMT 2005

Ion-Mihai Tetcu wrote:
> There are two minor but annoying thing that bothers me: 
> - on start xawtv / motv changes the channel to the first one listed in
> ~/.xawtv;  and it's a xawtv problem, since I can hear the "old" channel
> for a second or so on start.

I'm forced into using xawtv/motv at the moment, as I still haven't
solved the mplayer/sound issue. But - I' don't expect anything from
this program, if it works, great, if not, one more good reason not to
watch the tv.

> - I have to select select each time the sound source (internal/external
> since tuner doesn't seem to provide anything); I haven't found a way to
> set the sound source in xawtv docs.

There's nothing in the docs, I guess it just works for some cards. I
made a little change in the sources, if you want to see it I can send
it later.


Karel Miklav

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