dancing with the daemon

Gao Long urgaolong at yahoo.com
Mon May 31 01:39:58 PDT 2004

Nicolas Souchu <nsouch at free.fr> wrote:

No keep it in the kernel for the very early boot!

Look the screenshots at http://www.freebsd.org/~nsouch/kgi4BSD and be sure
I'll do something with your code ;)

Nicholas Souchu - nsouch at free.fr - nsouch at FreeBSD.org

Thanks for your advice and interest:)

I noticed that KGI is a big frame work of a console graphical 

driver infrastrauture , while my idea is so simple that it can not recognize 

any movie file format, it needs just a soft timer and some bmp pictures , 

and show up a short animation. It will base itself on the fb and splash 

module (maybe kgi afterwards:) , on which I think I may get some help 

from you , cause I always feel lack of syscons knowledge . Additionally 

the console swithing systems may also be helpful to me as I may want

to switch to another virtual console when the current virtual console 

is busy splashing the moving pictures.

It is good to have the daemon dancing on the black console from the 

startup , isn't it :)

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