Tuner Problems with Xawtv (but not fxtv)

Levi Masterson kugeln at gmx.net
Wed Apr 21 16:38:09 PDT 2004

> I have the same problem with xawtv/motv and mplayer.  What is odd is
> that these programs are setting the correct frequency, I have verified
> this with fxtv, but the card still appears to not be tuning it
> correctly.
> I have a quick workaround, but I want to investigate a little more and
> find out what the real problem is before I start submitting patches.
>  -jre

It looks to me like fxtv relies on the tuner's (or drivers') knowledge of
what acceptable channels are for the given locale, while xawtv/motv uses the
aforementioned frequency lists.

I'd have no problem using fxtv if I could figure out how to turn that ugly
toolbar off, or get dtv to work (i.e. change channels).


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