DotNet Core 2.0 - Status Update

Russell Haley russ.haley at
Mon Sep 25 06:36:34 UTC 2017


*This is my understanding of what's going on and I am looking for
Tomas or Karel to correct or clarify.

I've continued poking around on the build to little effect so far.
Tomas has said there is an update to the official repository coming
soon that runs for the most part on his 11-release instance. (I'm sure
he will elaborate at some point).

Progress for Users:
The ability to produce binaries that will allow people to compile and
run applications is still a little ways out but there is a "first
candidate" coming for the curious.

For "the curious":
There are multiple repositories for DotNet Core but two main "halves"
to any runtime: the native parts and the managed code parts. Right
now, the native pieces build for Tomas. The managed code parts however
require there to be an existing copy of the .Net Framework to build
dotnet core 2.0. Because that doesn't exist on FreeBSD (and never
will), there are currently three solutions:

- Build the managed parts on Windows
- Build the managed parts on Linux
- Build the managed parts on FreeBSD with mono (theoretical only)

>From what I understand, this bootstrap conundrum will always exist for
FreeBSD (except using a prior port to bootstrap the next one?). What I
think needs to happen is we need to create a first version of the port
that imports the managed code from a Windows or Linux repository. This
would become a boot strap port that could be replaced once the DotNet
Core team at Microsoft figure out a more permanent solution. Or not,
and we always have a bootstrap package.  :P

The alternative is to work towards getting the managed parts to build
in Mono and making mono a prerequisite to build. This would be a
FreeBSD only solution, but could get some traction from the Mono team
(now at Microsoft) and would be good for the FreeBSD mono port.



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